Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thinking about Gretchen... Dying.

So, I was driving along State Street, Orem, at 5:30 this morning, and I was suddenly struck with one of those moments. I imagined that some incident left me dead on the side of the road. What would happen? I thought about it and ran through the scenario as I tend to do

...but, honestly, for whatever reason I was somewhat disinterested in it.

Then, I thought about what would happen if Gretchen died... and suddenly I was struck with how my life might be should she die. I was late for work, having driven around aimlessly, lost in this scenario. I really didn't think of the emotional trauma or sadness that might be involved, although I was always acutely aware of it.

My first thought: Exercise. I would have to lose weight! That's seriously the first thing that I thought of. Then I thought of Haven, and whether or not I could raise her alone... and when I would have to have help with her, and who I would seek it from. I thought of the sickness of uncertainty and how I would never have been uncertain alone before but how desperately frightened I would be having lost.

Then I thought finding someone else, which was the most sickening thought of all. I suddenly felt the distance in my associations and realized how utterly pathetic our attempts at connecting with others so often are. We really don't see each other, and I knew that attempting to reforge such a connection with someone... which would have been intriguing to me before I was married... would seem such a useless game to me now.

All in all it was quite a downer, but useful in that it has, at least for a few moments, allowed me to see a few aspects of my life in a new light. It was interesting.


  1. I just worry about what Haven would end up eating. Ashley could help with that.

  2. also have you disabled "atom" on your blog? I am having a problem adding you to my feeder (google reader).

  3. also im slightly disturbed that you used that adulterous threadless picture for this post lol

  4. I lnew you'd cheat on me with ketchup!

  5. Mike, 2 words... Life Insurance! If your blog is eluding to what I think its eluding to; another two words... "Paid Assassin!" Don’t try it yourself man, it just leave emotional scars and it’s a pain to take care of.

    Joking aside. As far as raising a child on your own. I think you fail to realise how much outside (including divine) help you get when something like that happens.
    Could you do it on your own? I would think, probably not, or it was be extremely difficult and exhausting. However, even if you could, no one expects you to do it yourself. Which is why everyone you know would help you when you needed it.
    Isn't that one of the reasons we make social bonds? So that we have help and be helped.

  6. *correction
    we can help others, and be helped.

  7. Gretch said...

    I knew you'd cheat on me with ketchup!

    Well gretchen, what do you expect from a dog!?



Before and Beneath © 2008. Chaotic Soul :: Converted by Randomness